He is complicated, full of self doubt, mercilessly talented - and terminally ill. She is grounded, knows what she wants, and loves life.
When Franz Kafka and Dora Diamant meet it is not self evident that they will fall in love. But it happens nevertheless and they spend a year proving that death has no power over true love.
The Glory of Life casts a bright, cheerful light on the famous poet and gently portrays the last year of his life, in which he celebrates great love with Dora Diamant and takes his life into his own hands before it is too late.
„Es ist sehr gut denkbar, dass die Herrlichkeit des Lebens um jeden und
immer in ihrer ganzen Fülle bereit liegt, aber verhängt, in der Tiefe,
unsichtbar, sehr weit. Aber sie liegt dort, nicht feindselig, nicht
widerwillig, nicht taub. Ruft man sie mit dem richtigen Wort, beim richtigen
Namen, dann kommt sie. Das ist das Wesen der Zauberei, die nicht schafft,
sondern ruft.“
Kafka Tagebücher,
A poetic, very successful arthouse film that, with its statement statement: “It's only the moment that counts!” simultaneously depicts the tragedy and the tragedy and beauty of a great love, without without being a tearjerker. The drama about Franz Kafka and his last love is not a Kafka biopic and is only peripherally about his works. Instead instead, the film skillfully maintains a balance between melodrama and romantic comedy, with Sabin Tambrea and Henriette Konfurius ideally cast in the leading roles. represent the ideal cast. They are convincing in their portrayal of a lovers who find each other in the face of death and stay together - until the bitter end. until the bitter end. Translated with (free version)
Gaby Sikorski
“Franz Kafka painted this man. And if we are to believe all the Kafka life story writers, it could well be the writer himself crouching there, brooding. It is the image of permanent self-doubt that still defines the view of the man from Prague 100 years after his death. Although literature was his life and perhaps also his true love, he was always on the lookout for a woman to marry. This usually failed miserably. Only towards the end of his life did he have luck with Dora Diamant. Their laughter and tears together are recounted in the film The Glory of Life. Max Keller on Kafka and Diamant and those who play them.”
Berichterstattung zur Kino-Premiere in den Tagesthemen

Georg Maas und Judith Kaufmann
Michael Gutmann
Georg Maas
Based on the novel by
Michael Kumpfmüller
Helge Sasse
Solveig Fina
Tommy Pridnig
Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg
Filmförderung Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
NRW Filmstiftung
ÖFI und ÖFI Plus
Wiener Filmfonds
in Zusammenarbeit mit dem ORF